Bitget (BETA) Account and API Key Creation
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In order to use Orion Terminal with Bitget, you must have an account that was created with the Orion referral code. Register now.
1. After tapping on the Orion Terminal referral link, create an account with an email and password.
2. Before tapping "Create Account" make sure the referral code is filled in.
3. Solve the captcha to finish logging in.
Tip: Bitget has an additional layer of security with email verification codes. When setting up your new account, you'll need to input a few email codes, we recommend having your email open so you can quickly copy and paste the codes during this process.
4. Put in your email verification and your account will be complete.
Tip: The next steps are for creating API Keys. In order to have API keys on your account, you need to setup Google 2FA. Once you have setup Google2FA on Bitget, continue on for setting up your API Keys.
5. If you haven't done so, follow the prompts for setting up Google 2FA.
6. Once you are at the home page, tap here.
7. Click "API"
8. Click "Create API keys"
9. Click "Create API key"
10. Tap "Notes" to add a label for this key (Orion Terminal is good)
11. Tap the Passphrase field to input a passphrase that will be required when installing the keys. Just letters and numbers no symbols.
12. Click "Trade" in Permission Settings.
13. Click "Transfer" in Permission Settings
14. Scroll down for next steps. You can optionally link IP addresses. Here you will have 60 seconds to request an email verification code and input it here along with your Google Authenticator code (Multiple monitors recommended here).
15. Press Next as soon as you input the Email Verification Code and your Google Authenticator verification code
Tip: Once you create your keys, you will be presented a "Create Succeeded" popup. This is your only opportunity to copy your keys to somewhere safe or temporary place like a Note App. Once you close this popup, you won't be able to see the keys again.
16. Copy your APIKey to your Note App.
17. Copy your "SecretKey" to your Note App.
**Alert: Make sure you copy the key and secret as once you push "Confirm" or close the popup, you won't see the keys again. **
Tip: If you loose access to your keys, you can always make a new pair.
18. Click "Confirm" to close the popup.
19. On Bitget's Page, navigate to the icon that looks like a person. You will see your user name which you will need for logging in to Orion Terminal
20. Open Orion Terminal and type "login bitget" and press Enter.
21. Enter your account name
22. After entering your account name, you will have a prompt for "api_key". Copy your api_key and paste here and press Enter.
23. After entering your api_key, you will be prompted to enter your api_secret, paste into the terminal and press Enter.
24. Last, you'll be given a prompt for api_passphrase, enter that into the terminal and press Enter.
25. You will see green text as confirmation you logged in to your Bitget account and your API keys were installed successfully.